Earthquake refugees

No disturbance to my slumbers so I awoke with the alarm. I’d forgotten when the rain was forecast but it was dry and warm outside as we set off for the Promontory. Isabella accompanied us on the whole walk again and things went quite smoothly. We were back at the camping having completed 5.81km by 06:45 so Skinny and I hit the road soon after. The morning jog through Kountoura was uneventful so we were back at the camping earlier than of late. I got in the shower and then prepared my breakfast before sitting down to read my emails.

It was sunny and very warm in the morning so I went up to see how Manolis was getting on with his various projects. He was struggling with some plumbing so I gave him a hand for a while before returning to find that Skinny had caught his line around the steps and burst open his collar then taken off. He’s not been able to do a runner for a while so I wasn’t surprised seeing as I was absent for so long.

I’d had problems with my media computer the previous evening so was trying to get it working again. I use it mostly to watch recorded programs and films but ended up using my laptop last night as the computer wasn’t working.

Xanthippos called me to say a woman was waiting by reception and had come for a room. I knew nothing about this as Georgia had arranged the letting. Her partner soon turned up with a young, black, Bull Terrier. Shades of Boris when he was a lad. It turned out that he was working in the bar during the summer and had contacted Georgia as they were unhappy about living in a flat during the earthquakes. They plan to stay for a few days until the quakes stop. I bumped into Skinny, who’d doubtless become bored of freedom, as I walked down to T1 with the couple. I took Skinny back and brought Isabella for them to see. She played happily with their dog as we chatted. The woman is half English with a mother who lives in London. They were asking me about taking the dog to England and what it should say about his breed on the Pet Passport. I suggested they get the vet to describe him as Bull Terrier Mix to avoid any complication getting him into UK. I understand he was born on Valentines Day so is quite young too. I might suggest that if they plan to go to England for any length of time they should do it before Brexit to have a better chance of an easy life.

It was now time for the Evening Walk. The sky was a little cloudy so we set off for what turned out to be a truncated walk. I hurried them along, released all but Skinny and Obi but cut the end of the Promontory and the rocks when it started to rain lightly. It is still raining now so all the dogs were fed inside and are now snoring in the awning tent.

Over 80mm rain is forecast between now and Wednesday night with a total over 100mm during the week. It’s going to be a little wet for a few days.

I’m starting to feel a little peckish so will retire inside to see what there is to eat. I’m certain to be accompanied by those who’ve not already staked a claim inside.


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