Great Grammeno Chainsaw Massacre

More enthusiastic was I this morning as it was NOT windy NOR raining! We followed the same procedure as Saturday insomuch as we all walked two laps and came back then Skinny, Obi and Isabella went for a couple more and a walk over the rocks. Skinny was also on a long lunge lead for some of the walk so that he could romp around with Isabella relatively unimpeded. I was thinking about going into Paleochora but decided, as it was Monday, to postpone the visit.

I put clothes, my coat and bedding into the washing machine and everything is mostly dry. The bedding and lighter things anyway. I have yet to construct my pit but that’s a pleasure for later, Ron.

The morning was warm and sunny. The Couple who arrived last night were still abed. I suggested, via text, they might stay a further night and, in any event, not rush off. They took my advice and walked the Promontory before departing. Later, I received a message saying Lily had left some clothes in the shower and could they return to pick them up. They moved from Grammeno to Elafonissi so plan to come back to Grammeno to pick up the clothes. Not an easy task as Elafonissi is only a short distance as the crow flies but a long way through the mountains in the car.

Georgia was in the camping to supervise Michalis and his chainsaw. They toured a section of the camping lopping branches from the trees. These were left scattered where they fell so I wonder how long it will be before they’re picked up. Janne and Erica arrive at some point tomorrow and access to their area is strewn with branches. Xanthippos, due to his enhanced rank, is far too important to pick up rubbish or branches. He’s too busy managing his minions or working on the new showers.

Why though is there this total disregard for the comfort and needs of the customers? The shower/WC cabins were moved quite some while ago, have been levelled, but are still unconnected to the soil, water or power supply. There is one serviceable shower in the men’s bathroom but the door doesn’t lock. The other shower has no hooks for hanging clothes, the shelf/towel rail is hanging off the wall and the drain floods after a couple of minutes. The toilets are leaking water 24/7 in both bathrooms, The waste from a urinal leaks onto the floor and most of the toilet brushes are worn out or disgusting. A replacement brush is €1.50, I know because I bought one for the toilet I use. Only one toilet is properly clean because I keep it clean!

Looking around the camping, there are plenty of examples of sticking doors, dodgy locks, missing timber cladding and jobs left abandoned. Fortunately, I never take customers into the reception office as the door handle is falling off and the lock/catch is falling out of the door making it very difficult to shut or open the door. Plenty of effort is being expended on new work however maintenance is a dirty word.

My bike took me to Krios later then we went for the Evening Walk. We’ve had our dinners and things are reasonably quiet. Isabella is tied onto a long rope as I’m fed up with her running the gate. She doesn’t need to be on it all of the time as it’s mostly the morning she gets the desire to go walkabout.

My dinner is hopefully ready in the Pot so there you have it!

Ring-a-ring o’ roses…


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